Task 10 ~ Aussie Identity : Pecha Kucha or Bento Box

You should have all chosen your Australian text by now and be busy reading it. For this final piece of work, you are to create either a Pecha Kucha style presentation or a Bento Box of images, to deliver to the class.

I have put some Youtube videos explaining all about Pecha Kuchas under Task 10 links.

I hope you find this activity enjoyable.

Task 9 ~ Your own Australian Short Story

Make sure you have done a lot of background reading and research into what life would have been like during the time your story is set. This way you will be able to create a realistic and credible setting. It is also important for you to have completed all of your planning documents.

I’m looking forward to reading your stories.


Expository Texts ~ Task 4

Expository texts are everywhere! Read as many of these as you can and always remember that there will always be some bias to what you have read.

For this task, you will be expected to read a variety of expository texts, both from set readings to your own choice.

Use the following images to help you with your reading, as well as the BBC Bitesize link.

An Expository Text is just a fancy phrase for things like information reports, book reviews, biographies, persuasive texts, texts that explain or instruct…the list goes on and on. We are surrounded by expository texts! We can find expository writing in magazines, newspapers, speeches, essays, manuals, books, government documents and lots of other places.

Task 3 ~ Poetry Anthology

You should all have your task sheet and rubric for your poetry anthology. Make sure you choose a theme for your poems that you feel strongly about. This will make it easier to write your poems.

I have included some links to help you with your writing. A great way to help you write poetry is to have read a lot of different poems.

I’m looking forward to reading your finished pieces of art!

Here are some poetry memes to help you become inspired.

Task 2 ~ Shakespearean Tragedy and Julius Caesar

We are about to commence our study of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I hope that you find this unit of work rewarding and you will be able to recognise why the Bard’s work have transcended both time and place.

Shakespeare can be a lot of fun, so just try your best. Once you have become used to the language, you will be able to enjoy the richness of the words.

Julius Caesar in 3 Panels.